Chapter 5
Doctor Kenneth Wimberley was an imposing, white-haired man with a beard and mustache. He progressed formally down the long aisle of the school chapel with the rest of the staff in slow, measured pursuit, academic gowns flapping. Ahead of him strode the school chaplain, and the crucifer holding the silver cross aloft on its long staff. They passed President Rotunga and his wife, who stood foremost in the row of spectators.
The boys, all in formal suits and ties, stood in front of their neatly rowed chairs, brought specially from the classrooms for the occasion. They thundered out the school hymn, "King of Creation" as if their lives depended on it - not from any particular fear, but because they all felt the enormity of the moment. Besides, they wanted to drown out the chapel organ, which, as it was the latest Kawasaki offering with an output, if required, of 120 decibels.
The Junior boys of the choir, strolling behind, added a descant that rang through the palm thatched roof and white wooden pillars. The stained glass window seemed to rattle with the volume, and the figure of Christ putting his hand out to the children seemed to be smiling. In fact, it was, for the artist had determined a slight upward tilt to the mouth which gave the whole scene a most cheerful aspect.
Kid was impressed, and he was an old student, used to the formalities. It had always been said that Palau Island Grammar School could put on a good show when it came to formal church services. The induction of a new Headmaster was not an every-day occurrence. Commander Ferguson had held the post for twenty-five years.
President Rotunga moved forward to stand in the aisle as if blocking the procession. It came to a stop, just as the hymn ended.
"Doctor Wimberley, On behalf of the People of the Republic of Pacifica, and the staff and students of Palau Island Grammar School, I formally welcome you," The president said.
The two men shook hands, and the headmaster responded, "Mr. President, Mrs. Rotunga, Distinguished members of the clergy, honored guests, Members of staff, and most important of all, students, I thank you for your kind welcome."
The president took him by the arm and led him to the Headmasters' chair. The boys often called it the throne, but there was a larger chair in the sanctuary which was for the Bishop - although nobody amongst the staff or students had ever seen him.
There was some noise and rustling as the procession moved into various parts of the sanctuary. The choir sat in their stalls with a buzz of conversation, and for a moment, the formality seemed tenuous.
"Good show, eh, Chip?" Snoopy asked.
Kid said with a grin, "Thought you might miss it."
"No chance," Chip muttered. "I have a five thousand dollar ticket."
"Don't they call it 'bail'?" Snoopy asked.
"Shhh! I'll have to put you on report," Kid whispered.
Silence descended. There was a slight cough as the Chaplain called for the next hymn. "We shall open our welcome service, with that lovely traditional children's hymn, "All Things Bright and Beautiful".
Kid's eyes rolled up with a wry expression, but the boys joined in lustily enough to satisfy their VIP audience.
After lunch, the boys who had arrived earlier in the weekend were given free time. School was due to commence in earnest on Wednesday. By that time, it was expected that most of the boys, and all the staff would have arrived from their holiday abodes. |
It wasn't that they were being antisocial, or even wanted to be alone, but one could have too much of good friends, even in a boarding school. Snoopy wanted to poke about in the electronics room. Kid was bored with computers, and disliked the smell of flowing solder, so he took the opportunity to slip away to the beach with Chip. He'd taken a liking to the younger boy, perhaps because they shared the same sort of family background - wealthy, but estranged fathers, and a background history of conflict with the law.
They wore their overalls, kepi caps, and sunglasses for protection from the sun's harsh rays. The boys would have preferred to wear swimming togs and brave the sun, but close to the Equator, tropical sunlight belted down with extreme ultraviolet readings approaching 1 watt per ten square metres of area. A dosage high enough to ensure a healthy bout of skin cancer. So the school rule was, to cover up. Besides, the heavy duty overalls were surprisingly cool to wear. |
The infra red rays couldn't penetrate the dark densely woven fabric, and the baggy clothing, worn without underwear, encouraged air to circulate around the skin for added cooling.
"So what happened?" Kid asked as soon as they were alone. "Thought you wanted to satisfy your curiosity." "Hey. For your information, I was worried about you. I'm hoping that we can be real mates." "Like Zed and Tal?" |
"Something like that, Yes. Everyone sort of accepts it. They call them brothers. It's like having a family, but at school," kid said awkwardly.
"That's OK. I get homesick, but after what's happened, I don't feel like I've got a home anymore." Chip bit his lower lip, and turned away. "It was all my fault. My own damned fault. I killed Luke, just as surely as if I'd shot him with a gun."
"It's all right to cry," Kid said. He put his arm over Chip's shoulder and sat with him while the boy sobbed uncontrollably.
After a while, Chip stopped. He wiped his face on his sleeve, and they continued to sit in silence.
"Thanks," he said, finally.
"Hey, Chip. What do you think big brothers are for?" Kid said.
Chip managed to give a quick laugh. "At least you don't mind getting a wet shoulder. Funny - I feel better now. About everything."
At tea that evening, Kid was surprised when the school captain came down from the High Table, and had a word. It was traditional for boys in trouble to be asked loudly to attend the Head Master's House at the end of the meal. Everyone knew what the dreaded announcement, made so all could hear it, meant. But to be asked quietly during the meal, was a different matter.
"Mister Scarr, the Head Master wishes that you shall attend his office in the administration block after the meal."
Kid put his utensils down politely. "Please advise him that I shall attend, Mr. Murphy."
Murph. gave him a playful dig in the back. "Thought you might," he said playfully.
"What's that all about?" Chip asked. "Are you in trouble?"
"If he said I had to go to his house I would be, but the office is different. It must be about yesterday."
"So why doesn't he want me?" Snoopy asked.
"I don't know."
He resumed eating, but his stomach churned nevertheless. Encounters with Commodore Ferguson were usually brief and painful. "Bend over boy, and take your medicine like a man," was the inevitable end to such an encounter. There was a swish of the cane, impact, and a tearing, burning sensation followed, for anything from four to six strokes. The resulting blood blisters usually lasted a week, making it difficult to sit. One usually did not wish to repeat the experience, and school discipline was thus enforced.
As soon as grace had been said, and the boys dismissed, Kid hurried along the dark concrete path to the school office. It was lit, and the sliding glass doors at reception were open. He hurried into the pale blue and gray painted vestibule, past the honor boards, cup cabinets, and old photographs. The head's office door was open. Kid was seen, so had no chance to knock.
"Come in, Master Scarr."
"Yes, Sir," Kid said, entering firmly, but nervously.
"Sit down, Kid. You don't mind if I call you 'Kid', do you?"
"Oh no, Sir. The Commodore always used to call us by our surnames," Kid said, settling himself in the seat opposite. "The Chaplain once tried to get everyone to use Christian names. He said it was odd that nobody used Christian names in a Christian School. Maybe he didn't understand tradition, Sir."
"Are you nervous?"
"A bit, Sir. Yes. How can you tell?"
"There's no need to be nervous, Kid. Were I to call you 'Scarr' you might have a need to feel nervous, but as I am calling you 'Kid' you can relax."
"Whew." Kid said, relaxing.
"Mark Bennett is going to get a presidential award for bravery. You know he's in trouble for what happened in Australia?"
"Yes, Sir. He killed his little brother in a car crash. It was an accident."
"Life is full of accidents. Like what happened at the crater. What did happen up there? Start by - what happened in the afternoon - earlier."
"We were on swamp leave, Sir, and we went up to the crater to look at it. We noticed the water was rather hot ... "
"How did you notice that?"
Kid looked sharply at the Doctor. There was something hard and speculative behind his eyes. Suddenly, Kid felt a stab of fear. The questions were anything but innocent.
"Chip, let me be the one who decides who is in trouble, and who isn't. OK?"
"Well - Chip, that is, Mark. He's a newbie. A new boy. So when we ran up to the crater, he was last up, and we threw him in. Then we all jumped in. So we broke the school rules about unsupervised swimming."
"Boys are always breaking the rules about something, Chip. I am glad you're honest about it. That isn't the point. The point is, did you suspect that the Crater Lake was dangerous?"
"Not really. I mean, it was warm to hot, and there were gas bubbles coming from the centre - but the smell was sulfur dioxide. That's really why we reported it. I mean - I know SO2. We do chemistry. I didn't think the volcano would blow up today or anything like that. But we felt we had to report it, so we did."
"Quite right. So you three boys went up to the Crater with Mr. Carter and Mr. Hawke?"
"Yes, Sir. When we got to the top, Mr. Carter went to get a sample of the water. That's when he collapsed." Suddenly, Kid knew where the questioning was heading. "Sir, Is Mr. Carter in trouble?"
"He took respirators up to the crater?"
"In case of SO2, Sir. Nobody suspected Carbon Dioxide. There wasn't any sign."
"There never is. It's a silent, invisible killer. What you've just told me helps Mr. Carter a lot. I think he did take care - but was unlucky. He got caught out in a nasty situation. You boys did well to sort it out."
"Thank you, Sir. I didn't do anything brave."
"But you were there, and you helped out. Mark was the obvious choice to send down for a rescue, as he was the lightest. So he becomes the hero. The wounded hero. The world needs heroes, Rupert. Mark will get the Pacific Medal of Valor. That's between you and me. You and Roger will get certificates for bravery. Roger will be told later this evening."
"Mark's nickname is 'Chip', Sir."
Is it? Indeed. And what is Roger's?"
"Snoopy, Sir. After the dog in the comic."
"Thank you. That's very useful information. It's not for sticking his nose in other people's business."
"Oh no, Sir."
"I take it that you are currently acting assistant deputy prefect of Frazer House."
"Yes, Sir - Until Star comes back. I mean ..."
"Andrew Kashold. He's not coming back. His father passed away, and Andrew must go about his father's unfinished business. You are to take his place as Prefect of Frazer House. Hammond is Captain, and you and Lordly will be his prefects."
"But I'm only Form Five, Sir. Prefects are always Form Six."
"So another tradition falls. I hope I'm a good judge of character, Kid. You'll make a fine house prefect. Don't let me down."
"Thank you, Sir."
"That will be all," Wimberley said, standing and moving around the desk.
Kid stood and made to leave, but stopped as the Head Master put his hand out. For a second, Kid was confused, but realised suddenly, that the Head was offering his hand. Kid shook it warmly. "Thank you, Sir," he said.
Outside, Chip and Snoopy were waiting for him. The darkness closed around them as they walked back to the dormitory. It was a warm night, and the balmy smell of tropical flowers wafted through the air. Waves swished loudly on the beach, and twinkling stars glimmered from the heavy tropical ceiling overhead.
"What's he like?" Snoopy asked.
"Sharp. Very very sharp. This school is about to undergo a lot of changes."
"Good, or bad?" Chip asked.
Kid skipped along the path and belted his left hand with his right fist. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" he chortled.
"I think that's a 'Yes'," Snoopy affirmed. "And from Kid, that means the changes are going to be 'good'."
They reached Frazer House and were about to enter when Hammond and Lordly stepped from the shadows.
"Trouble," Snoopy whispered.
Butch Hammond gave Snoopy a 'drop dead' look. "We want to talk to Scarr," he said, motioning the other two boys inside. Kid looked at the two larger boys - young men, really. They grabbed him by the arms and walked him firmly around to the back of the dormitory.
"Well?" Butch asked.
"Well, what?" Kid replied. "All right. It wasn't my idea. The man's progressive."
"It wasn't his idea, either. It came from the Prefect's Council." Butch said.
There was the sudden rush of bodies, and Kid was tackled by half a dozen Sixth Formers. Then the shock of iced cold water as a bucket was tipped over him.
"Aaargh!" he shouted.
There was a tumult of laughter and a pummeling of fists and shoes, that finally stopped.
"Consider yourself one of us!" a deep voice said. It was Murph, the School Captain. "You have just been admitted to that noble order of the gods, The Prefects of PIGS. There is just one more part of the initiation," he said. "You must join us as we drink to the health of the new Head Master, and the future of the School."
A brandy bottle was pushed at his mouth. Kid wondered if it was a foul concoction, but he accepted the mouth of the bottle and took a long hard swig - not that he had much choice in the matter. It was hot and fiery, and he choked and gasped. The prefects laughed, and passed the bottle around.
"You're lucky," Butch said. "Last year, my initiation was to be tied to a coconut tree in the middle of the plantation, and the bastards filled my overalls with green ant nests. I was in agony."
"I'll bet. Is that all I get - one little swig?"
"Small bottle," Murph said. "But if you like, we can find a remote coconut tree ..."
"Pass. I'll pass," Kid said. He got to his feet, and looked at the mess of his uniform blues.
"No problem," Murph said. "Go inside. Find some little brat playing up, and then make him wash them for you. You know the system - it's just that you've always been on the other side of it."
Brushing off the leaves and dead grass from his wet clothes, Kid decided to do just that.
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